I wondered why I always take shots in the normal format chosen by the camera, and then crop, drastically sometimes, and I thought I would try an experiment. Had a trip out with Thena, and took a few shots as we wandered around around London.
Had a few definite aims, but not doing anything that I would call serious photography. In the company of family I find it best to just snapshot, which is actually what I do anyways, just taking longer to compose etc.
So it came to looking at my tally from the day, chucked out most of them straightaway in Lightroom, which is now my preferred workflow (don't you love that term, sounds so professional), as the duds "never the see the light of day", though I did keep the whole take before, I must admit, filling up hard drives. Now going through these now, but that is a boring long term thing, though turning up some surprises, as new techniques and visions have come into play.
So I "synched" a 1 x 1 crop in Lightroom on all the ones I was trying an edit, and then on the individual processing I was able to fine tune the crop to how I wanted it. What was astonishing was how the real estate of the shot was cut down, I would have done mostly portrait crops, as that seems to be my favoured format, so a lot would have gone anyway.
As an aside I seem to enjoy the process of taking photographs rather than processing, though having "Taken A Wider View" and making the looks I like, with less regard to how things should look in a pure way, it is now more fun. This experimentation is sometimes successful, at least it seems so to myself.I will be setting up the square format on camera definitely...
So what did I get ? A selection of these are below :
Alone Together |
All Aboard |
A Little Art Deco |
Zaha Hadid Serpentine Gallery Close up |
A little Art Deco |
The Big Tree |
Yard Sale Dancers, Granary Square |
Zaha Hadid Curves |
Florin Court Detail |
Just Waiting |
On the Water |
Blue and White |
Moved Out |
Italian Gardens |
Remaining I hope |
At a Stretch |
Tasty Treats |
Don't Use In the Rain |
"Put On That Red Dress" |
The Milliner at Work |
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